So what does it mean to "trust God"?
I trust God for my salvation. That's based on the promise of His Word.
But, when it comes to the "little stuff" of life, what does it mean to trust God? When things don't go like they ought to, what does it mean to trust God? When we can't pay our bills and no miracle check appears in the mail what does it mean to trust God? When our health unexpectedly fails, what does it mean to trust God? When the car breaks down and you can't replace it or repair it, what does it mean to trust God? When everyone else's life seems to be sailing smoothly, what does it mean to trust God?
Well, things are not going like I expected. One car sits in the driveway and can't be cranked; the other has almost 240,000 miles on it, but, praise God it runs and gets me about 240 miles round trip each week. And God allowed someone to loan us a second car for the time being.
A ministry I expected to last much longer came crashing to an end. Yet, at the right time, a church stepped up (my home church) and created a position for me to serve so that I could pay my bills and so that my insurance would be covered. God opened this door.
Now, as if it was not the regular part of our lives, we sit at the threshold of the future. What does it hold? How will things be taken care of? Trust? Trust God?
God has been faithful, not to do all we desired, but He has been faithful to do what He desired. As we look back, we have not been forsaken, God has not turned His back, our faith has grown. So now we anticipate that our faith will continue to grow as we trust God.
Is it easy? No way.
Does the stomach sometimes turn and churn? Absolutely.
Do the fears flare up? Yes.
But God is good!
"Simply trusting ev'ry day,
Trusting thro' a stormy way;
Even when my faith is small,
Trusting Jesus, that is all."
(Edgar Page Stites)
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