Friday, December 16, 2005

It Won't Be Christmas

It won't be Christmas ...

if I don't get that gift I want.

if I don't hear "Silent Night" 12 hundred times.

if I don't get to make gingerbread cookies.

if that special ornament is not on the tree.

if the kids don't make it home for the day.

if, if, if ...


If everything in our lives is going wrong,
If the world was turned upside down,

It would still be Christmas, because ...

Jesus was born - God become man - Incarnate.

That is what makes Christmas Christmas and nothing else.

It won't be Christmas?

Oh, yes it will!

And you
and I
and our circumstances cannot keep it from happening.

God's blessings on you for a very wonderful Christ-season and a God-filled New Year!


Anonymous said...

AMEN! I'm preaching something similar on Sunday. Mary wasn't looking at her circumstances or situation...she was looking to her Savior. The wise men were not looking to their circumstances or situation...they were following the star that led them to Christ. When we follow God we will find peace. When we embrace the season, we will find joy. When we give Him what we have (as the wise men did) we will find love and acceptance.

To the King!

Rudy Wellsand said...

Great site! Is Destiny controlled by CODES? You have DNA and RNA CODES in you, plus other CODES that switch things ON and OFF in your body to control you! WHO PUT THE CODES INTO YOU? YOU CAN READ CODES RIGHT OUT OF YOUR OWN BIBLE that control your destiny! See the "Chosen"Code and "Color"Code; VISIT: . Save or Print this to study it! Leave a comment if you will.

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