Wednesday, November 23, 2005


It seems that everyone expects something of you.

Of course, some expectations are necessary. For example, your employer expects you to perform your job at a certain level. This expectation is balanced by your own expectation that you will be paid for this performance.

But it is easy for us to expect something of those we know ... but are those expectations realistic? Do those expectations just impose our own wishes onto someone else unfairly?

My family - wife, mother, father (I don't really know of any that my sister has - thanks Carol) - expects certain things of me. Boy, talk about pressure. Some of those expectations are for my own good I'm sure. Some of those expectations relate to their dreams of what they want(ed) me to be, and that's not really a bad thing.

Then my neighbors expect things. And my friends expect things. And my associates expect things. Like I said, it seems that everybody expects something of me.

However, in the grand scheme of things, the only expectations that I really need to concern myself with are God's expectations of me. Granted some of His expectations relate to those listed above - things like loving your wife and honoring your parents and being honest and kind. But, if I can keep my focus on His expectations, all the truly important things in my life will be done. That is a tall order all by itself, but the pressure is released when I realize that I don't even have to rely on my own strength to fulfill His expectations. He has promised His help and when I blow it, He even offers His forgiveness.

Expectations ... yes, it seems everyone has them (even I expect things of others - fat chance, right?). So expect away.

Just remember, only God's expectations count.


Wow, I can't believe that I missed the most demanding expectations of all ...


They really are a tall order and if I can just keep them in submission to God's expectations I'll be doing really well. That is tough!

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